- ‘Raising the bar for others’- my journey to the bar’.
- Access and progression: My journey to the Bar
- Edward Henry KC of Mountford Chambers – Available to provide expert legal commentary on topics and issues of the day.
- Investment urgently needed to ensure future of criminal defence profession
- Judges, Lawyers and the Litigant in Person
- “A timely reminder: Risk Identification and Mitigation”
- “A Whole Life Order on Each and Every Offence”: The Unprecedented Implication of Lucy Letby’s Whole Life Orders
- “Disability is not a barrier to success” – supporting neurodiversity in law at the University of Hertfordshire
- “I cannot reveal my sources”: R (LXP) v Central Criminal Court [2023] EWHC 2824 (Admin)
- “To boldly go” – Free speech today in the US supreme court
- “You’ll never make it as a Barrister…”
- 10-year Anniversary of Park Square Barristers
- 100 Years of Female Barristers at the Bar
- 46% of Brits Don’t Understand Legal Aid or how to get Support
- 4PB welcomes Rachael Kelsey
- 4PB’s Barbara Mills KC Makes History as Chair of the Bar Council of England and Wales for 2025
- 5 Things to do when Representing Vulnerable Clients
- A Double-Edged Sword: The Transactional Nature of Plea Bargains
- A Fine Example of a Broken System
- A joust with HMRC and the application of BTI v Sequana in the Trusts context
- A plea for more pro bono work
- A plea for more pro bono work
- A positive professional identity: Maximising your legal career & well-being
- A steady and sure hand after some turbulence!
- Addressing the challenges of financial management in chambers
- Advocate and the Bar: Working together as demand for pro bono support reaches all-time high
- Advocate: The highs and highs of being pro bono counsel
- AI the EU and US – Part 2-The Deep Fake
- AI, the EU and US
- All bark no bite: will a new offence reduce companion animal abduction?
- An analysis of why the government wants Magistrates’ sentencing powers to be doubled
- An introduction to the illegal migration bill
- Animal law: Past, present, and possible future
- Are legal qualifications really worth the time and money?
- As a ‘covid pupil’, my legal career has grown with the Cloud Video Platform (CVP) and its illusive conference pin master
- As with most things, the cheapest option is not always the best
- Assistance animals, access, and ableism
- Bar Chair calls for rollout of ‘problem-solving’ courts to tackle violence against women and girls
- Bar Council commits to address inappropriate behaviour at the Bar
- Bar Council media briefing: MoJ statistics
- Bar Council responds to BSB proposals on equality rules
- Bar Standards Board consults on revised proposals to promote equality, diversity and inclusion at the Bar
- Bar Standards Board publishes thematic review of training providers’ admissions arrangements
- Barrister apprenticeship standard endorsed by Bar Standards Board
- Barrister Link Shortlisted for ‘Excellence in Innovation’ at East Midlands Chamber Business Awards
- Barristers call for radical rethink on ‘tough’ sentencing
- Barristers can change the world – but as lawyers not “activists”
- Barristers support Black History Month with historic play
- Barristers, it’s Time to Invest in Coaching!
- Barristers’ chambers secures private equity investment from LDC . Technology and flexibility, an advantage for the “21st century Bar”
- Being a Barrister: New Beginnings
- BHD and the Bar: Zero Compromise to Zero Tolerance
- Breaking the bias: What a real barrister looks like
- Bridging the gap? The Barrister v The McKenzie Friend
- BSB announces minimum pupillage award from 1 January 2024
- BSB implements amendments to widen its powers to protect the public
- BSB launches a public consultation on amending the definition of academic legal training
- BSB launches its Anti-Racist Strategy 2024-2027
- BSB proposes amendments to widen its powers to protect the public
- BSB Publishes its 2023-2024 Regulatory Decision-Making Annual Report
- BSB publishes its Annual Diversity at the Bar Report
- BSB publishes its annual report on diversity at the Bar
- BSB publishes its Coroners’ Courts Evaluation Report
- BSB Publishes the Independent Decision-making Body Annual Report 2022/23
- BSB regulatory proposals muddy the waters – Bar Council
- BSB statement for Bar training students and Transferring Qualified Lawyers sitting exams in Bangladesh
- Budget: Welcome step for justice but still a way to go – Bar Council Inbox
- Building a system to protect students from sexual harm
- Bullying and Respect at Work
- Can sentencing for police officer offenders be improved?
- Can’t sell – won’t sell. Why ‘selling’ shouldn’t be a dirty word
- Cause of Death: Procedure, Inquests and Implications
- Chambers encouraged to analyse earnings data to understand disparities and ensure equal access to work
- Children in custody – Envisioning a way out.
- Civil Partnerships: Law Reform
- Coercive Control in Children Act Cases – An Update
- Cognitive Bias: Forensic Science
- Complaint handling – the Legal Ombudsman’s perspective
- Computer Evidence: presume nothing, trust no software or data, engage an expert. Costly? Just look at the cost if you don’t.
- Consultation on the regulation of barristers in chambers: The BSB’s response
- Contempt of Court – where are we heading?
- Could digital technology transform your chambers?
- Cram Dos, Don’ts and Darn Its: The ‘Too Much Unfair Value’ Approach To The UK Cramdown
- Cross-Examination: In search of a New Normal
- Cyber Law: Language Matters
- Defending private prosecutions
- Delays to surrogacy law reform creating risk for babies
- Developments in the public interest defence in defamation
- Disproportionality in Stop & Search Encounters
- Diversity at the Bar – Social Mobility
- Do Human Rights survive in time of national crisis or war? A Cautionary Tale
- Drama in the courtroom: Defending the rights of children diagnosed with autis
- EAPs struggling to meet mental health needs of employees – a response to the BBC report
- Economic Crime (Transparency and Enforcement) Act 2022
- Eight points to consider when appointing a forensic accountant as an expert witness
- Elevating Legal Excellence: The Vital Role of CPD for Barristers in 2024
- Enhancing Video Evidence: a Scientific Path Towards the Truth
- Ensuring you have a successful para legal business
- ESG Leases: Brave new world or false dawn?
- Ethics and access: striking the right balance
- EU legislation set to further tighten regulations on use of communications data
- Evidence from computers – the unreliable legal presumption that, without more, it can be relied upon
- Exchange Chambers sees significant growth to the Family Team in Manchester
- FA’s inquiry into race allegations: kicking discrimination out of the field
- Failure to prevent fraud – a new criminal offence for big business
- Family Law: Early Resolution, Out of Court Settlement and Delay in Family Proceedings
- Fraud in Science: the Bigger Picture
- From Medicine to the Law: a reasonable course of action?
- Fundamental Dishonesty – Recent decisions and practical steps for practitioners
- Getting your chambers fit for the future
- Global Artificial Intelligence Regulations: Challenges and Pathways for the UK
- Hadley v Przybylo – Court of Appeal judgment handed down – significant win for claimants
- Have we really reformed animal welfare post-Brexit?
- How do we create change in criminal justice?
- How the Bar Standards Board could Accelerate Innovation at the Bar
- How the Legal Profession has Become a Complex Legal Ecosystem
- How to sharpen your presentation skills
- Improving Access to Justice? What the Changes to Cost Capping in Planning and Environmental Claims Really Mean?
- Independent report supports call for immediate uplift in criminal legal aid fees
- Ipsos poll on public awareness of the Bar and the Bar Standards Board
- Is independent lawyering under siege?
- Is the public empowered to seek justice when needed?
- Is the Suspected Inflicted Head Injury Service Pilot the first step to whole system change?
- Is your expert an expert?
- Junior barrister says more ‘Understanding’ is needed to retain females at the Bar
- Keeping court bundles safe from the dark web
- Kids, Court and Caffeine…How to survive having a baby at the Bar
- Labour’s aim for growth backfires; farming takes the pain
- Lasting power of attorney risks – is there a resolution?
- Law and The Truth
- Legal Platforms: An opportunity for the Bar
- Looking Beyond The Picture: How To Trust Video Evidence
- Louis Browne KC acts for Wrexham Borough Council under Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014
- Louis Browne KC appears in criminal injuries compensation case examining life expectancy
- Making mental health a global priority in the legal profession
- Match Official Abuse – The Crack Down
- Matt Hutchings KC on a year of moonlighting as a climate activist while practising as a lawyer
- Medical failings were found to be a factor during an inquest. What are the next steps?
- Medicine and the law – where criminal and civil law overlap
- Mentoring and fair access to the Bar: an update
- Mentoring: how a handful of hours a year can help transform fair access to the Bar
- Modern Day Slavery: Where are we now?
- Modern Setting
- Modernising the business of the bar, a clerk’s perspective
- Neurodiversity and Mental Health
- Neurodiversity: Why we need different brains at the bar.
- New data on wellbeing at the Bar
- New IBA report provides first-of-its-kind global perspective on cybersecurity risk governance
- New legislation providing additional rights for carers, expecting parents and new parents
- Nightmare on St Aldgates (have we learnt nothing from Jackson?
- Non-Competes: The UK v US approach
- Over 3,500 solicitors and barristers across England & Wales celebrated in inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List endorsed by Lady Chief Justice
- Personal Representatives: unwitting landlords or merely beneficiaries?
- Post-Brexit mutual free movement of people for UK & EU is becoming ‘critical’
- Preventing Digital Exclusion from Online Justice
- Private Prosecutions in the Public Eye
- Private prosecutions: The quiet battle against illegal streaming
- Pro Bono Recognition List for England & Wales – returns in 2025 with an expanded scope and endorsed by many
- Public Sector Fraud – A Way Forward?
- Pupil Barrister Launches Online Education Platform for Aspiring Barristers – Legist Lab
- Pupil Barrister living with muscular dystrophy supports charity’s new employability helpline
- Quincecare[1] duty does not require banks to second-guess customers’ clear instructions: Fiona Philipp v Barclays Bank UK PLC [2023] UKSC 25
- Race at the Bar: time to double down on race equality work, says Bar Council
- Raising the Bar for Working Parents
- Re-thinking litigation workflows for the 21st century
- Recent High Court guidance on Fundamental Dishonesty
- Reconsidering how we talk about legal professional privilege
- Reducing Delays for Children in the Family Court
- Reducing Delays for Children in the Family Court
- Religious observances and festivals – what are my employers’ obligations?
- Remote justice: Some thoughts on the future of hearings in courts and tribunals in an increasingly virtual world
- Reporting in Family Courts
- Routes and Obstacles to Obtaining British Citizenship for Children
- s.48(a) MCA 2005: should a 25% likelihood of incapacity suffice to make interim orders?
- Shortages in Special School Places
- Slow and steady wins the race: content marketing for barristers
- Social Media Raising the Bar
- Statement from Working Families on the Employment Relations (Flexible Working) Bill Receiving Royal Assent
- Success for Giles Maynard-Connor KC and Amie Boothman in multi-million pound shareholder dispute
- Taking the right decisions: how the Bar Standards Board builds checks and balances into its enforcement work?
- The Advantages and Limitations when using the services of a paralegal
- The Art of Avoiding the Courtroom: Mastering Non-Court Dispute Resolution
- The Art of Doing Nothing
- The Art of the Possible in Family Justice
- The Artificial Revolution
- The Bar Standards Board issues a consultation on the regulation of barristers in chambers
- The Bar Standards Board provides support to chambers with new webpage
- The Bar Standards Board publishes its 2022/23 Annual Report into Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Terrorist Financing
- The BSB joins the UK Regulators Network
- The BSB publishes its 2024 statistics report on Bar course enrolment, results, and student progression by course provider
- The budget – family lawyers react
- The Challenge of Emerging Technologies and Data Protection
- The collapse of FTX – the epitome of corporate failure
- The court’s approach to key defences in the Defamation Act 2013
- The Duty to prevent Sexual Harassment
- The End of No-Fault Evictions: The Unintended Consequences of Reform
- The Fragility of Civil Legal Aid
- The Human Rights Act 1998 and the IPT’s attempt to strike a satisfactory balance between national security and human rights through the Liberty v GCHQ case).
- The impact of the Financial Crisis on Divorce
- The Importance of Pursuing Mediation before Starting Legal Proceedings
- The important role played by Pakistani doctors in the NHS
- The International Criminal Court’s Approach to Disability: Making or Breaking Foundations?
- The international law elephant in the unilateral sanctions room.
- The International Law Framework – Establishing Violence Against Women and Girls as a Human Rights Abuse
- The legal crisis management revolution: Some thoughts from the sanctions revolution
- The Legal Limbo of Cohabitants: Time for Reform?
- The Mags Court- Tippin the broken scales
- The Major Political Parties and Their Pledges for the Family Justice System in 2024
- The Power of Patterns in Forensics
- The promise of an inheritance: is it enforceable?
- The proposed Property (Digital Assets etc) Act 2024 is unnecessary
- The Public Order Bill: a lesson in legislative irony
- The reversal of the presumption of innocence in compensation claims for those wrongly convicted: the case of MALKINSON casts a spotlight
- The Rise of the Digital Mercenaries
- The Rise of the English Jurisdiction as Europe’s Leading Venue for Arbitration Award Enforcement Against Recalcitrant EU States.
- The road to cognition: Using generative AI in legal practice
- The role of AI in the legal profession
- The role of AI in the legal profession
- The role of machine translation in the legal sector
- The Russian invasion of Ukraine: a year on.
- The Secret of Good Advocacy: Show Don’t Tell
- The Spire Foundation beginnings
- The State of English Justice
- The state of Protest
- The State of State Immunity
- The use of experts in private children law family disputes involving allegations of parental alienation
- There’s nothing hard about soft skills Or Time to go hard on soft skills Or Why soft skills are the future of work
- Three things I wish I had known before joining the Commercial Bar
- To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny, or delay right or justice’
- UK Fraud Levels
- Undue influence in procuring Wills and Lifetime Transactions: Varieties and Distinctions
- Unlawful killing following Maughan – new guidance issued by the Chief Coroner
- Unveiling the Risks of Cyber Attacks in Barristers’ Chambers
- Use of the Beth Din as a Forum for Determining Civil Disputes
- We are All Trudi Warner! Promoting the Rights of Jurors in the Twenty First Century
- What Black History Month Means to Me
- What external counsel can learn from in-house teams
- What it takes to progress from bottom to top…an insight into careers at the Criminal Bar
- What to expect from a compelled interview
- What went Wrong?
- When is Without Prejudice really Without Prejudice?
- Where did Part 35 go?
- Why isn’t mediation used more often in regulatory and public law cases?
- Why should the Bar care about remote working?
- Why the legal sector needs to invest in accessibility
- Will a new failure to prevent fraud offence address the UK’s most commonly committed criminal offence?
- Will Waldron KC appointed as Head of Exchange Chambers
- Wills: Why it’s important to get your affairs in order
- Witch trials and children’s evidence in Seventeenth-Century England
- With great respect, that is a bad legal argument: ‘respect’, courtesy or insult?
- Young People, Past Failures, Change, and New Hope
- Youth Remand and the impact of the PCSC Act 2022
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