Monday, October 7, 2024

BSB regulatory proposals muddy the waters – Bar Council

New proposals on the regulation of barristers...


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The State of English Justice

Featured ArticleThe State of English Justice

“Oh dear, how sad, never mind.”  This is the almost sotto voce retort from anyone in power with responsibility for every aspect of the Criminal Justice System for the last 15 years.  They don’t care and they aren’t interested.  It’s not a justice system anymore because there is no justice.
The police aren’t coming.  If you are a victim of crime unless it is violence or sexual violence or perhaps drugs you are unlikely to see a policeman.  If burgled you will be lucky to see a policeman.  If you do, it is to give you a crime number to hand to your insurance company.  You are highly unlikely to see Scenes of Crime to take fingerprints or forensic evidence.  And, even if they do attend, then unless a culprit falls into their lap – blood at the scene giving a DNA match there will be, I can gua...

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