Tuesday, October 22, 2024

BSB regulatory proposals muddy the waters – Bar Council

New proposals on the regulation of barristers...


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Looking Beyond The Picture: How To Trust Video Evidence

By David Spreadborough, Certified Forensic Video Analyst I last wrote here for the Easter term of The Barrister in 2018 and honestly, where has the time gone? Considering all the troubles over the last two years though, it is not...

The Power of Patterns in Forensics

By Professor Angela Gallop CBE, Group CEO at Forensic Access Ltd  Patterns can change the...

As with most things, the cheapest option is not always the best

Price is currently the main deciding factor for the instruction of an expert witness...

Unveiling the Risks of Cyber Attacks in Barristers’ Chambers

Cybercrime is becoming more profitable than ever before meaning that sensitive organisations, such as barristers’ chambers, are at risk. To keep your organisation safe from...

How the Legal Profession has Become a Complex Legal Ecosystem

By Richard Palmer, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting The emergence of alternative legal and non-legal providers in recent years, alongside the increased need for technology,...

The Rise of the Digital Mercenaries

By Ian Whitehurst, barrister at Exchange Chambers In the chaotic and sometimes lawless world of cyber, a new risk is arising as commercial or private...

Legal Platforms: An opportunity for the Bar

In this article, Andrew Thornton Q.C. looks at the emergence of digital platforms offering legal services to SMEs and individuals and considers how the...

The Challenge of Emerging Technologies and Data Protection

By Melissa Stock, barrister, Normanton Chambers The past two decades have seen the development of technology at an extraordinary pace. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the...

The role of machine translation in the legal sector

By  Alan White, Business Development Director at The Translation People  Whether dealing with business owners with enterprises overseas, receiving evidence from non-English speakers or simply trying to manage...

Social Media Raising the Bar

What will 2019 bring for barristers’ relationships with the legal press? A strange question to be asking in the pages of one of the Bar’s...

Slow and steady wins the race: content marketing for barristers

In Aesop’s fable The Hare and the Tortoise, the hare dashes off from the starting line but becomes complacent and takes a nap, allowing...

Preventing Digital Exclusion from Online Justice

The HMCTS reform agenda, with its emphasis on digitisation of court processes has been ambitious, revolutionary and unprecedented. But as more and more court...

Fraud in Science: the Bigger Picture

Cases of fraud within published scientific research are on the rise, with several recent cases involving the falsification of images. The legal system must...

Could digital technology transform your chambers?

Digital disruption is here and it’s happening – even within the seemingly conservative and traditional judicial element of the legal profession. As with any...

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