Saturday, July 27, 2024


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Looking Beyond The Picture: How To Trust Video Evidence

By David Spreadborough, Certified Forensic Video Analyst I last wrote here for the Easter term of The Barrister in 2018 and honestly, where has the time gone? Considering all the troubles over the last two years though, it is not...

The Power of Patterns in Forensics

By Professor Angela Gallop CBE, Group CEO at Forensic Access Ltd  Patterns can change the...

As with most things, the cheapest option is not always the best

Price is currently the main deciding factor for the instruction of an expert witness...

Young People, Past Failures, Change, and New Hope

By Bruce Houlder CB KC Starting a new charity is not for the faint-hearted. For me it has been a life changing experience. Fighting Knife...

The Major Political Parties and Their Pledges for the Family Justice System in 2024

  Author: Baldip Singh, Barrister No5 Barristers’ Chambers My trial settled and I found myself with a little spare time today. As a workaholic, I did...

The State of State Immunity

  November, 1879.  A 70-year-old veteran politician, who many thought finished, looked from a platform upon a crowd of agricultural workers and coal miners in...

The Art of the Possible in Family Justice

  By Baldip Singh, Barrister & Arbitrator, No5 Chambers In a current case, where I am being led by Sharan Bhachu of 42BR, Mrs Justice Lieven...

The legal crisis management revolution: Some thoughts from the sanctions revolution 

By Prof. Dr. Viktor Winkler, LL.M. (Harvard), Attorney at German and EU law and professor of law, Frankfurt/Germany I advise clients in the most sudden...

A plea for more pro bono work

As I write this article, I anticipate that the majority, if not all of the readers will have undertaken some form of pro bono...

A Fine Example of a Broken System

Though it’s approaching four years since the world as we then knew, was plunged into chaos, think back to March 2020 and just how...

The international law elephant in the  unilateral sanctions room.

    By Anna Rubbi,  Guernica 37 Chambers How do UK sanctions against Russia measure up against international law, and the principles of state sovereignty and non-intervention...

Matt Hutchings KC on a year of moonlighting as a climate activist while practising as a lawyer

Around a year ago, I became involved with a group of lawyers who were determined to do something about the climate and ecological crises....

Bullying and Respect at Work

Genuine equality requires that all people be protected from harassment at work whatever their personal characteristics. Currently the law offers better protection to some...

A steady and sure hand after some turbulence!

An interview with the Attorney General for England and Wales, Rt Hon Victoria Prentis KC MP By Phillip Taylor MBE, Richmond Green Chambers, Reviews...

Routes and Obstacles to Obtaining British Citizenship for Children

By Isabella Reynard, Pupil Barrister, Richmond Chambers The benefits of obtaining British citizenship can be extensive for many who have sought stability in a country...

The Artificial Revolution

I feel as if as I start this article I should apologise. What I am about to write might shock or dismay some readers. In...

“I cannot reveal my sources”: R (LXP) v Central Criminal Court [2023] EWHC 2824 (Admin)

By Anthony James, criminal and regulatory barrister at Mountford Chambers. On 10 November 2023, the High Court handed down a decision regarding the legality of...

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