Saturday, July 27, 2024


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Breaking News

Looking Beyond The Picture: How To Trust Video Evidence

By David Spreadborough, Certified Forensic Video Analyst I last wrote here for the Easter term of The Barrister in 2018 and honestly, where has the time gone? Considering all the troubles over the last two years though, it is not...

The Power of Patterns in Forensics

By Professor Angela Gallop CBE, Group CEO at Forensic Access Ltd  Patterns can change the...

As with most things, the cheapest option is not always the best

Price is currently the main deciding factor for the instruction of an expert witness...

The BSB publishes its 2024 statistics report on Bar course enrolment, results, and student progression by course provider

This annual report covers the period from July 2023 to June 2024 and contains statistics on enrolment, results and trends in vocational training to become a...

Success for Giles Maynard-Connor KC and Amie Boothman in multi-million pound shareholder dispute

Following a three-week trial in the High Court, Giles Maynard-Connor KC leading Amie Boothman from the Business & Property Department of Exchange Chambers have...

BSB publishes its Coroners’ Courts Evaluation Report

In September 2021, in response to concerns raised about standards of practice in the Coroners’ Courts, the Bar Standards Board (BSB), the Solicitors Regulation...

Over 3,500 solicitors and barristers across England & Wales celebrated in inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List endorsed by Lady Chief Justice

17th June 2024, LONDON – The Attorney General’s Pro Bono Committee is proud to announce the publication of the inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales,...

The BSB joins the UK Regulators Network

The BSB is pleased to announce that we have joined the UK Regulators Network (UKRN). Established in 2014, the UKRN works to promote effective...

BSB launches its Anti-Racist Strategy 2024-2027

Following on from the publication of its Anti-Racist Statement in 2020, the BSB has now launched its Anti-Racist Strategy covering the period 2024-2027. This new Strategy sets our...

BSB implements amendments to widen its powers to protect the public

In June 2023, the BSB issued a consultation document seeking views on proposed changes which would widen the powers of the BSB and of Disciplinary Tribunals...

 Edward Henry KC of Mountford Chambers – Available to provide expert legal commentary on topics and issues of the day.

Edward Henry KC of Mountford Chambers is a highly experienced legal commentator for TV, radio, online articles, and newspapers who is representing 5 former...

Louis Browne KC appears in criminal injuries compensation case examining life expectancy

Louis Browne KC from Exchange Chambers appeared before the First Tier Tribunal - Criminal Injuries Compensation, representing the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority and also...

Bar Council media briefing: MoJ statistics

Bar Council media briefing Thursday 28 March 2024 Ministry of Justice statistics   The latest quarterly Ministry of Justice official statistics on were published today (Thursday 28...

EAPs struggling to meet mental health needs of employees – a response to the BBC report

The recent BBC investigation into Employee Assistance Providers (EAPs), has forced organisations within the legal industry to evaluate how they are supporting employee mental...

The Bar Standards Board publishes our 2024-2025 Business Plan

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today published our  annual Business Plan which explains what we shall be doing during 2024-25 to take forward our...

4PB welcomes Rachael Kelsey

 4PB is proud to announce that Rachael Kelsey, the current President of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL) and internationally renowned Scottish family lawyer, has accepted...

Hadley v Przybylo – Court of Appeal judgment handed down – significant win for claimants 

The much-awaited judgment in Hadley v Przybylo has been handed down today. "The point determined was one of potentially real significance to the manner in which catastrophic injury claims...

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