Friday, January 24, 2025


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 Judges, Lawyers and the Litigant in Person

According to the most recent version of The Equal Treatment Bench Book, at any court hearing a judge should aim to ensure that Litigants...

Junior barrister says more ‘Understanding’ is needed to retain females at the Bar

With all the issues surrounding equality and diversity at the Bar in the media at the minute it really hit home and reminded me...

Drama in the courtroom: Defending the rights of children diagnosed with autis

  Mickey Keenan1 & Karola Dillenburger2 School of Psychology, Ulster University, N. Ireland Centre for Behaviour Analysis, Queen’s University Belfast, N. Ireland Abstract Children diagnosed with autism have the...

To no one will we sell, to no one will we deny, or delay right or justice’

‘By Phillip and Elizabeth Taylor, Richmond Green Chambers, reviews editors of the barrister magazine The Terror of Tyrants through the Ages, Magna Carta is Reassessed...

Eight points to consider when appointing a forensic accountant as an expert witness  

One element of their advocacy skills barristers develop on their feet rather than in the classroom is how to deal with expert witnesses, both...

Civil Partnerships: Law Reform

With the success of the ‘no fault divorce’ campaign and the government commitment to equality of access to civil partnerships, there is an optimism...

Social Media Raising the Bar

What will 2019 bring for barristers’ relationships with the legal press? A strange question to be asking in the pages of one of the Bar’s...

Slow and steady wins the race: content marketing for barristers

In Aesop’s fable The Hare and the Tortoise, the hare dashes off from the starting line but becomes complacent and takes a nap, allowing...

Can’t sell – won’t sell. Why ‘selling’ shouldn’t be a dirty word

Whilst the goal is ultimately to be the first name that comes to mind when a Solicitor or general counsel needs a Barrister, there...

Preventing Digital Exclusion from Online Justice

The HMCTS reform agenda, with its emphasis on digitisation of court processes has been ambitious, revolutionary and unprecedented. But as more and more court...

Addressing the challenges of financial management in chambers

No one welcomes having to pay their rent, but it’s a fact of life for a member of chambers. For many, the role of...

How to sharpen your presentation skills

Whether you are asked to speak at one of the seminars your Chambers is running, at an industry event relevant to your practice or...

FA’s inquiry into race allegations: kicking discrimination out of the field

The Parliamentary Inquiry into the racism allegations made against Mark Sampson and consequently the Football Association marked the end of a sorry chapter for...

EU legislation set to further tighten regulations on use of communications data

By Ron Moscona, Dorsey & Whitney, LLP We live in a connected world and often we take for granted that our smartphones and other devices...

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