Thursday, September 5, 2024

Bar Council responds to BSB proposals on equality rules

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has launched a...

Elevating Legal Excellence: The Vital Role of CPD for Barristers in 2024

  By David Wright, Barrister CPD Coach Introduction: In the...


Read the Barrister Magazine, a fantastic legal resource for online News, Articles & Information for Barristers in the UK. Keep abreast of Law Articles, Find a Barrister, Subscribe to our Articles on the Latest Legal News, Legal Services, Law Events, Expert Witnesses & Barrister Services. Its all here, ready to educate, inspire & Inform

Match Official Abuse – The Crack Down

By Christina Courquin, Barrister, Mountford Chambers Abuse of Match Officials has been a rising problem for a number of years. Two high-profile rugby officials, Wayne Barnes and Tom Foley, stepped away from the sport following abuse on social media. Mr Barnes announced his retirement following his appearance at the World Cup final last year. He received numerous death threats and warnings, including threats to burn down his house and threats that his wife and children would be killed. Mr Foley...

Elevating Legal Excellence: The Vital Role of CPD for Barristers in 2024

  By David Wright, Barrister CPD Coach Introduction: In the dynamic landscape of legal practice, the role of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for barristers remains paramount. CPD ensures that barristers stay abreast of the latest legal developments, maintain competence, and enhance their...

Law and The Truth

I was recently very honoured to speak at the launch of The City University 2024 Law Review. The Editorial team of the City Law student's own academic publication run by Alexander Cleveland Ng and others demonstrated how The City Law Review was...

Developments in the public interest defence in defamation

The impact of the rapid development of the digital technology on data usage and its distribution has become one of the central topics of discussion in modern society. Media has evolved to become...

Cognitive Bias: Forensic Science  

Dr David Schudel forensic chemist at Keith Borer Consultants. According to the Oxford English dictionary, “bias” has several meanings, including: “to influence, affect (often unduly and unfairly)”. No one likes to think of themselves behaving...

Bar Council responds to BSB proposals on equality rules

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has launched a consultation on the regulation of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at the Bar, including proposals to: amend Core Duty 8 from the duty not to discriminate unlawfully to a duty to advance equality, diversity and inclusion move to outcomes-based regulation of equality rules The Bar Council will be submitting a detailed response to the consultation and making this available to the Bar to support individual and organisational submissions. Commenting, Sam Townend KC, Chair of the Bar Council, said: “The Bar Council is deeply committed to supporting and improving equality, diversity and inclusion at the Bar. While much progress has been made – thanks to the work...

Bar Council responds to BSB proposals on equality rules

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has launched a consultation on the regulation of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at the Bar, including proposals to: amend Core...


Private Prosecutions in the Public Eye 

Since the dramatised Post Office “scandal” aired on ITV and humanised the negatives of these particular private prosecutions, the practice has been thrust into the public eye, provoking national debate. Although it is an important right for all individuals to be able to...

Reducing Delays for Children in the Family Court

On 1st August 2023 the Legal Affairs correspondent for ‘The Guardian’ reported in an article that ‘Tens of thousands of children in England and Wales have been left in limbo by delays in the Family Court that have meant many waiting over a year for their future to be resolved’. From figures published by CAFCASS the article went on ‘In a quarter of areas, the wait in family proceedings in public law cases was double the recommended government target of...

What external counsel can learn from in-house teams

By Rich Hanstock // external lawyers often win clients by projecting total self-assuredness. it takes humility and self-awareness to separate confidence from hubris. One of the most rewarding aspects of my legal career has been the...

What external counsel can learn from in-house teams

By Rich Hanstock // external lawyers often win clients by projecting total self-assuredness. it takes humility and self-awareness to separate confidence...
Comment & Opinion

Kids, Court and Caffeine…How to survive having a baby at the Bar

By Sunyana Sharma, Barrister, 3 Paper Buildings As I start...

Raising the Bar for Working Parents

When New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern resigned recently,...

Religious observances and festivals – what are my employers’ obligations?

  By Aleksandra Traczyk, Associate at Winckworth Sherwood There are many...

Delays to surrogacy law reform creating risk for babies

Surrogacy is on the rise. Ministry of Justice statistics...
In Brief

Bar Council responds to BSB proposals on equality rules

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has launched a consultation on the regulation of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) at the Bar, including proposals to: amend Core...

Bar Standards Board consults on revised proposals to promote equality, diversity and inclusion at the Bar  

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today launched a public consultation on new rules to promote equality, diversity and inclusion at the Bar. Despite improvements in...

Elevating Legal Excellence: The Vital Role of CPD for Barristers in 2024

  By David Wright, Barrister CPD Coach Introduction: In the dynamic landscape of legal practice, the role of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for barristers remains paramount. CPD...

Match Official Abuse – The Crack Down

By Christina Courquin, Barrister, Mountford Chambers Abuse of Match Officials has been a rising problem for a number of years. Two high-profile rugby officials, Wayne...

What external counsel can learn from in-house teams

By Rich Hanstock // external lawyers often win clients by projecting total self-assuredness. it takes humility and self-awareness to separate confidence from hubris. One of the most...
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