Tuesday, June 25, 2024

The Art of the Possible in Family Justice

  By Baldip Singh, Barrister & Arbitrator, No5...

Reducing Delays for Children in the Family Court

On 1st August 2023 the Legal Affairs correspondent...


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The Art of the Possible in Family Justice

  By Baldip Singh, Barrister & Arbitrator, No5 Chambers In a current case, where I am being led by Sharan Bhachu of 42BR, Mrs Justice Lieven said that "family justice is the art of the possible." This succinct yet profound observation encapsulates, in my eyes, the delicate balancing act inherent in the family justice system, where the needs and rights of children and parents must be harmonised within the constraints of limited resources and time. Her Ladyship’s remark highlights the pragmatic...

Law and The Truth

I was recently very honoured to speak at the launch of The City University 2024 Law Review. The Editorial team of the City Law student's own academic publication run by Alexander Cleveland Ng and others demonstrated how The City Law Review was...

The road to cognition:   Using generative AI in legal practice

By Mike Taylor, Managing Director, i-Lit Limited  Introduction Professor Karim Lakhani of Harvard Business School helpfully contextualises AI technology when he states, “Just as the internet has drastically lowered the cost of information transmission, AI will lower the cost of cognition.” On...

Developments in the public interest defence in defamation

The impact of the rapid development of the digital technology on data usage and its distribution has become one of the central topics of discussion in modern society. Media has evolved to become...

Cognitive Bias: Forensic Science  

Dr David Schudel forensic chemist at Keith Borer Consultants. According to the Oxford English dictionary, “bias” has several meanings, including: “to influence, affect (often unduly and unfairly)”. No one likes to think of themselves behaving...

Over 3,500 solicitors and barristers across England & Wales celebrated in inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List endorsed by Lady Chief Justice

17th June 2024, LONDON – The Attorney General’s Pro Bono Committee is proud to announce the publication of the inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales, with over 3,500  lawyers across England and Wales recognised for their dedication to providing pro bono services. The Pro Bono Recognition List recognises barristers and solicitors who have given 25 or more hours of pro bono legal assistance over the previous calendar year. This year, the first-ever Recognition List was published and saw a total of 3,760 lawyers recognised; 3,284 of whom were solicitors and 476 of whom were barristers. The Pro Bono Recognition List shines a light on the individual lawyers at firms and organisations of all...

The Art of the Possible in Family Justice

  By Baldip Singh, Barrister & Arbitrator, No5 Chambers In a current case, where I am being led by Sharan Bhachu of 42BR, Mrs Justice Lieven...


Private Prosecutions in the Public Eye 

Since the dramatised Post Office “scandal” aired on ITV and humanised the negatives of these particular private prosecutions, the practice has been thrust into the public eye, provoking national debate. Although it is an important right for all individuals to be able to...

Reducing Delays for Children in the Family Court

On 1st August 2023 the Legal Affairs correspondent for ‘The Guardian’ reported in an article that ‘Tens of thousands of children in England and Wales have been left in limbo by delays in the Family Court that have meant many waiting over a year for their future to be resolved’. From figures published by CAFCASS the article went on ‘In a quarter of areas, the wait in family proceedings in public law cases was double the recommended government target of...

Private Prosecutions in the Public Eye 

Since the dramatised Post Office “scandal” aired on ITV and humanised the negatives of these particular private prosecutions, the practice has been thrust into the public eye, provoking national debate. Although it is an important right for...

How the Bar Standards Board could Accelerate Innovation at the Bar

Back in September 2020, we forecast the increased emergence of genuine ‘Bar firms’ which emulate firms of solicitors but...
Comment & Opinion

Raising the Bar for Working Parents

When New Zealand prime minister Jacinda Ardern resigned recently,...

Religious observances and festivals – what are my employers’ obligations?

  By Aleksandra Traczyk, Associate at Winckworth Sherwood There are many...

Delays to surrogacy law reform creating risk for babies

Surrogacy is on the rise. Ministry of Justice statistics...

Can sentencing for police officer offenders be improved?

By Ellie Watson Pupil Barrister at Crown Prosecution Service,...
In Brief

The Art of the Possible in Family Justice

  By Baldip Singh, Barrister & Arbitrator, No5 Chambers In a current case, where I am being led by Sharan Bhachu of 42BR, Mrs Justice Lieven...

Reducing Delays for Children in the Family Court

On 1st August 2023 the Legal Affairs correspondent for ‘The Guardian’ reported in an article that ‘Tens of thousands of children in England and Wales...

Over 3,500 solicitors and barristers across England & Wales celebrated in inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List endorsed by Lady Chief Justice

17th June 2024, LONDON – The Attorney General’s Pro Bono Committee is proud to announce the publication of the inaugural Pro Bono Recognition List of England & Wales,...

Developments in the public interest defence in defamation

The impact of the rapid development of the digital technology on data usage and its distribution has become one of the central topics of...

Private Prosecutions in the Public Eye 

Since the dramatised Post Office “scandal” aired on ITV and humanised the negatives of these particular private prosecutions, the practice has been thrust into the public eye, provoking...
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