Monday, September 16, 2024

The Mags Court- Tippin the broken scales

Like many criminal barristers, I entered the...

Bar Council responds to BSB proposals on equality rules

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has launched a...


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Young People, Past Failures, Change, and New Hope

Latest PostYoung People, Past Failures, Change, and New Hope

By Bruce Houlder CB KC
Starting a new charity is not for the faint-hearted. For me it has been a life changing experience. Fighting Knife Crime London (FKCL )launched  on 1st June 2021, to much press fanfare, and in part due to help from Joshua and Danny Shaw who I had got to know during my time as public affairs spokesman for the Bar. On the same day I was invited to No 10 Downing Street to speak about what I planned. There were many others who encouraged me, and after about 2 years of intensive preparatory work and fund-raising, my one-stop shop for information to help young people and those who care for them, was up and running. One of the most stimulating aspects of doing this was meeting, and continuing to meet through talks and webinars, so many inspirational people. Most of these ne...

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