Friday, September 6, 2024

Bar Council responds to BSB proposals on equality rules

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has launched a...

Elevating Legal Excellence: The Vital Role of CPD for Barristers in 2024

  By David Wright, Barrister CPD Coach Introduction: In the...


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The proposed Property (Digital Assets etc) Act 2024 is unnecessary

Must ReadThe proposed Property (Digital Assets etc) Act 2024 is unnecessary

 By Dr Stephen Castell CITP MEWI and Jonathan Bolls, Attorney at Law
The Law Commission’s proposed Property (Digital Assets etc) Act 2024, seeking to create a new categorisation of cryptocurrencies as property, is unnecessary. ‘Crypto’ is an algorithmic data object, an unremarkable example of, and exactly like, any such assemblage of digitally created and recorded 1s and 0s. The Law Commission has again misunderstood the essential technical truths of computer science. It is attempting to put in place another egregious legal construct potentially as damaging as its 1999 introduction of the incorrect ‘legal presumption of the reliability of computer evidence’. This situation is arguably now clear evidence of a wider problem: the Law Commissioners do not include any professio...

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