Monday, September 16, 2024

The Mags Court- Tippin the broken scales

Like many criminal barristers, I entered the...

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Elevating Legal Excellence: The Vital Role of CPD for Barristers in 2024

AnalysisElevating Legal Excellence: The Vital Role of CPD for Barristers in 2024

By David Wright, Barrister CPD Coach
In the dynamic landscape of legal practice, the role of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for barristers remains paramount. CPD ensures that barristers stay abreast of the latest legal developments, maintain competence, and enhance their professional skills. As we navigate through 2024, it's imperative for barristers to not only fulfil their CPD obligations but also adapt to any regulatory changes set forth by the Bar Standards Board (BSB).
The Changing Landscape of Legal Practice:
Legal practice constantly evolves, with new challenges and opportunities emerging in 2024. Specialisation within various legal fields is rising, demanding barristers to possess specialised knowledge and skills. Moreover, clients are increasingly d...

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