BSB publishes its Annual Diversity at the Bar Report 

The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today published its annual summary of the latest available diversity data for the Bar. It covers pupils, practising King’s Counsel – KC – and practising non-KC barristers. Last year’s report is available here. This report assists the BSB in meeting its statutory duties under the Equality Act 2010 and sets out an evidence base from which relevant and targeted policy can be developed.

Overall, this year has seen the continuation of several longer-term trends, including an increase in the proportion of practising barristers who are female; who are from a minority ethnic background; who have primary care of a child; and who are aged 55 or more. Some key findings from the report are as follows:

Commenting on the report, BSB Director-General Mark Neale said: 

“It is encouraging to see that over the last year the Bar has continued to become more representative of the society that it serves. Nonetheless, there are still significant disparities, including between the proportion of the Bar who are female and the proportion of KCs who are female and between proportion of the Bar who come from a minority ethnic background and the proportion of KCs who come from a minority ethnic background.

Breaking down these barriers to progress is therefore key and this data reinforces   why our equality, diversity and inclusion work is crucial, including our continuing review of the Equality Rules and the development of our new five year strategy.  We very much look forward to the dialogue with the profession on the revision of the Equality Rules proposed by Barabara Mills KC in her inaugural address.”

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